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Specialty Continuous Cast Bronze Parts

Custom Continuous Cast Bronze Parts

Bronze casting supplier produces impressive components

Bar and tubing supply programs with Lawton Standard guarantee you'll have the selection to keep your operations running smoothly. We offer a lower cost on custom-finished bronze components that countless companies sell at much higher, outrageous prices. Looking for specific bronze parts? Turn to us when you're looking for: 

Don't limit yourself to the basic, overpriced stock other foundries scam their customers with. Find an escape from the mainstream market with the help of Lawton Standard. Our bronze tubing is the best in the nation. Not only is our selection simple and more affordable, but we also offer bronze machining services. Are you looking for boring, plate-cutting, or rough turning? We have you covered. 

Find the continuous cast bronze parts you want!

Lawton Standard creates bronze parts for machines, plumbing, boats, motorcycles, and more

Find finished machined bronze washers, bushings, and other parts. When you need to manufacture specific products or make repairs to machines you own, we have the capabilities to provide you with the exact parts you've been looking for on Google for the past hour: 

Custom-cast bronze parts are essential for several machines and products to work properly. Finding specific bronze grades and parts is easy when you order from Lawton Standard. Place your order and relax, knowing your parts will be yours soon! 

Contact us today for more information!
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