Nationwide Cast Iron and Bronze Supplier

Custom finishing experts keep costs low and quality high
Lawton Standard constantly streamlines a finishing process to limit production costs and maximize efficiency. Our team utilizes high-tech equipment to ensure we produce your product quickly and with as little waste as possible.
After cutting, drilling, turning, and milling Versa-Bar to the shape you need, our metal finishing technicians will grind, deburr, and polish your component to perfection.
Due to Versa-Bar's unique metallurgical properties, Lawton Standard can machine and finish it at rates equal to or better than aluminum, bronze, and steel. This means your part will be ready sooner with Versa-Bar than with other metals.
Metal finishing services add value to continuous cast iron
Lawton Standard provides a superior alternative to traditional sand cast iron: continuous cast iron. Continuous cast iron performs better and costs less to produce than sand casting. Due to center line shrinkage and porosity, no rejections reduce waste and production costs.
Many casting flaws don’t reveal themselves until expensive, time-consuming machining has been performed. Versa-Bar's remarkable uniformity reduces the risk of machining unusable material, ensuring a quality product and low production costs.
Components from Versa-Bar also last longer than those from other metals. The graphite in continuous cast iron performs a unique self-lubrication, protecting the part in the event of oil loss. Small recesses in continuous cast iron’s microstructure retain oil, keeping components oiled for longer.
Have Lawton Standard provide finished components made from Versa-Bar, a long-lived, low-cost alternative to anything else on the market today. By having your custom components produced and finished by Lawton Standard, you can save time and money.